
Neron- Bungee

Today we get some new pics from our Neron- Bungee who lives in Romania with his owner.
Here are some pics, more on our homepage, new home section www.boston-terrier.hu
Thank you Andrei!
The little driver :)


Maggsy Magoo

I would like to introduce our new boy - Maggsy aka Baird Hill Beat of My Heart.
He is 6 month old and I went to Portland to pick him up one month ago. He is a wonderful boy and full member of our family.
We would like to thank to his breeder Cindy Peterson for this sweet, funny and spoiled baby who is everything what I hoped for.
Hopefully you can meet him soon in the show ring.



We have 5 weeks old puppies from Silent Night ( Sari) and Belcanto ( Winny)
They are growing nicely, sweet and playful puppies. Ok, they are just sleeping in the bigger part of the day, but playing more from day to day. Enjoy some photo from them.


to Mina

I would like to inform you, what happen with me and my boston terrier dogs so I decided to write this blog
I recommend this blog to Mina, who offered me this opportunity and who is wonderful owner of our dogs, Jimmy and Kissy
My English is not too good, please forgive my mistakes.
Hope I'll have enough time, I try to write regularly.